Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Smoking! why or why not?

Smoking kills!

90% of men, and 80% of women die from smoking related lung cancer death!
people dont get it, it kills them! more and more each day, its like an neverending epidemic.
my mother is a smoker and i tell her everyday she will regret it, but she just does not listen to me.
people say they can stop smoking anytime they want. well, they why dont you? your upsetting the people who love you! you people dont get, it may make you feel better and you may think it helps you with your stress, but in the long run... its gonna bite you in the butt!
well leave some comments and tell if you want us to write about anything else please and thank you!

Oil Spill in the Gulf!!

So I'm sure you all have heard of the tragic oil spill in the Gulf. Well there are 70,000 gallons spilling into the Gulf everyday!! I believe we need to stop talking about it and start taking action we need to start volunteering to clean up the animals or making ideas to stop it! they say one voice can make a difference to do something start making plans and lets make BP pay for thiss! I also believe we should stop off shore drilling because of thiss!!!! Look what its doing to our planet our environment its killing healthy plants and animals!!! So tell us what you believe do you think we should stop off shore drilling?? Or keep it?? tell us what you THINK!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

texting while driving!!!

Dont text while driving!!!
why you ask? "oh that wont happen to me im to careful." that is probably what this kid said too! now look he is dead and you will be too if you dont stop this! ITS DANGEROUS! it kills people everyday! 8 out of 10 people drive while texting, and almost 50% either get hurt or hurt someone else.. its not hard to text when you get to where your going and it prolly wont harm you either. people dont understand that thiss is something they need to stop doing!! because 90% of kids take after their parents and if they see them doing it their more likely to do it too!!! its against the law but most people dont get caught doing it!! So if you see someone doing it Ask them to stop, or if you see people on the road doing it, get the tag number and call the cops it could save your life, theirs ,and possibly some innocent child. tell people to stop.. or you could end up like that guy. ^^^